Today’s local health departments face unprecedented community health challenges. At the same time, many organizations find themselves moving away from a traditional clinical service model to one that focuses more on cross-sector, upstream interventions.
To adapt to these changes, many teams are searching for ways to strengthen their community partnerships and develop long-term planning strategies with them. The Time to Transform toolkit offers a path toward this transformation. With a four-step framework, the toolkit guides teams through the iterative process of organizational change.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of systems thinking, organizational change, and health equity in population health interventions.
- Apply systems thinking, culture change, and health equity principles to team-based population health activities.
- Describe the eight key elements of an effective transformation to population health work.
- Apply knowledge of cross-cutting approaches and the eight key elements throughout the four-part transformation process.
- Create collaborative pathways for change and improvement in your services.
Intended Audience
Local, state, and tribal public health professionals; cross-sector partners in population health interventions; community stakeholders
This toolkit consists of text, videos, and activities.
Time to Transform was developed collaboratively by NWCPHP and the Public Health Institute. The project was made possible thanks to the thoughtful contributions of local health department teams across the country, in particular the participants of the Learning Laboratory community of practice.