During this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Dr. Stephanie Bultema, Director of MERLIN at the Population Health Innovation Lab (PHIL), will summarize research conducted with 22 Accountable Communities for Health (ACHs) in Washington and California. Alison Poulsen, Executive Director for Spokane’s Better Health Together, will then share stories and provide concrete examples of how her organization made the “secret sauce” work to improve care in Eastern Washington.

Learning Objectives

  • Provide an overview of PHIL research on ACHs and examples of work in progress via Better Health Together.
  • Describe the top three things to do when aligning systems for health.
  • Provide examples for how each alignment approach can be achieved

Intended Audiences

Local, state, and tribal public health practitioners


Stephanie Bultema, PhD
Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning Innovations (MERLIN), Population Health Innovation Lab (PHIL), Public Health Institute

Alison Poulsen
Executive Director, Better Health Together

Discussion Questions

  • What information that we covered was surprising or unexpected to you?
  • How do you already apply any of the 3 secret sauce elements when collaborating across sectors in your community?


Continuing Education Credits

Up to 1 CPH recertification credit may be earned by viewing this webinar. Visit the National Board of Public Health Examiners to learn more.

Photo montage of various public health and health care settings.
Air Date: 
Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PDT
1 hour
Hot Topics in Practice
Competency Domains: 
Communication Skills
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills