Washington has 29 federally recognized tribes, and there are 29 languages spoken. According to the U.S. census, 198,996 American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals were living in Washington in 2010. 45 The median age for the AI/AN population was 28.8 years compared to 41.1 years for the non-Hispanic white population.
The largest proportion of Washington AI/AN residents live in King County (19%), which includes the Muckleshoot Reservation, the Snoqualmie Reservation, a portion of the Puyallup Reservation, as well as the city of Seattle. 46

Map of the federally-recognized tribes in Washington. Blue areas indicate tribal lands. Download map to zoom in.
Tribal Perspectives: Washington
To learn about one Washington tribe’s relationship with their environment, watch this video:
Moving to Higher Ground