
What Types of Marketing Strategies Can I Use to Get Subscribers?


Download this PDF for more on marketing methods.

Now that you know what you want to say, you'll have to think about what types of marketing materials to create and where to put them. Again, it's important to think about who your audience is and whether or not they will be reached by the media you use. Oh, and don't forget about your budget!

Here are some suggestions for types of media to use:

  • Posters
  • Stickers
  • Postcards
  • Business cards
  • Social media (Facebook - targeted Facebook advertisements, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)
  • Bus ads
  • Newspaper ads
  • TV PSAs
  • Radio PSAs
  • Email marketing
  • Web page
  • Community-based organizations

Think about the places your end users live, work, and play. Consider promoting your program in the following places:

  • Around your agency office
  • Healthcare provider offices
  • Schools/universities
  • Public transportation
  • Other agency offices
  • Childcare centers
  • Churches or other faith-based organizations

Next you will learn about Crafting Messages.

Real World Examples

It's important to think, not only about where to market, but the context of where you're marketing. In an effort to increase enrollment among specific end-users, investigators hit the streets—and then the bars.

During a pilot project performed in coordination with a local HIV prevention organization, a street team stationed themselves at a local bar frequented by members of the gay community and asked people to enroll in a text message program about HIV prevention. The team left with little success, and they concluded that even though people might be interested in their program, they weren't in the frame of mind to hear about it at a bar.

During another pilot project designed to offer assistance with health insurance enrollment, investigators attended a health insurance promotional event at a local music venue. They plastered the walls with flyers and passed out cards about the program, but saw very few enrollments as a result. When people are trying to have a good time, they're just not thinking about practical solutions to their problems.