

Explore this library of case studies and other resources to help you get a better idea of types of public health text message programs and ways to design and implement them.

Personalization of Messages

Health Promotion

  • Smoking CessationNaughton F, Jamison J, Sutton S. Attitudes towards SMS text message smoking cessation support: a qualitative study of pregnant smokers. Health Educ Res. 2013;28(5):911-22. doi:10.1093/her/cyt057
    This study assessed the attitudes of pregnant women attempting smoking cessation toward receiving behavioral advice and support messages via SMS. Personalization, personal relevance, and the salience of the messages were all identified as factors that increase the value of the text messages and reduce the risk of disengagement.
  • Weight LossShapiro JR, Koro T, Doran N, et al. Text4Diet: a randomized controlled study using text messaging for weight loss behaviors. Prev Med (Baltim). 2012;55(5):412-7.doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.08.011.
    In this study, overweight and obese adults received daily interactive and personally relevant text messages. Though receiving messages was not associated with weight loss, adherence to text message interaction was associated with better weight-related behaviors.
  • Physical ActivitySirriyeh R, Lawton R, Ward J. Physical activity and adolescents: an exploratory randomized controlled trial investigating the influence of affective and instrumental text messages. Br J Health Psychol. 2010;15(Pt 4):825-40. doi:10.1348/135910710X486889.
    In this study, researchers found that, among adolescents, affective text messages (messages about enjoyment) were more effective at increasing physical activity than instrumental text messages (messages about benefits).
  • These and other examples of the success of different personalized texting plans can be found in this Health Promotion Case Study list.

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Implementation and Technology


  • Employee Emergency (from Public Health - Seattle & King County)
  • Texting After Earthquake in Haiti (video)
    Texting in Haiti video
  • Texting for Public Health Emergencies (video)
    Texting for emergencies video